Something I Hate…

Hmmm, this question is a hard one for me because ‘hate’ is a very strong word and being the eternal optimist that I am, I find it kind of difficult to hate almost anything. So, I thought that I would make a list of things that bum me out instead:

    • People who are ignorant, when they should know better.
    • People who make excuses and self-sabotage their lives.
    • Waking up to find out that I am out of coffee and/or milk.
    • Having chapped lips with no chapstick in sight.
    • People who use poor grammar (I’m not a freak about it, but for the love of everything that is Holy in this world, how difficult is it to know when to use they’re, their, or there? Sorry, that’s the professor in me).
    • When people try to drag you down to make themselves feel better.
    • Having dishes in my kitchen sink.
    • Lousy weather when we have a fun day planned.
    • When my kids don’t feel well.
    • Having to floss my teeth (I’ll do it, but I don’t have to like it.)

That’s my somewhat silly list. Though in my experience, people can change and almost any situation can be turned around for the best, so I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they strike themselves out. Hey, that rhymed!

8 thoughts on “Something I Hate…

  1. Jessica August 9, 2011 / 8:57 am

    I do not like bad grammar or text type. We were taking applications for a babysitter and I tossed out over 10 applications because they used “ur” instead of you’re!

  2. Lori @My Kinda Rain August 9, 2011 / 9:03 am

    When people try to drag you down to make themselves feel better.

    Thats a big one for me now!

  3. joyewilliams717 August 9, 2011 / 9:39 am

    I don’t like text type at all! The babysitter will text me & I have no clue what she is saying. I am ok with dishes in the sink. My husband however isn’t, so they must get done πŸ™‚

  4. Lizzie August 9, 2011 / 3:05 pm

    ahh yeah milk! that happened this morning, my kids thought the world had ended!

  5. Toni @ A Daily Dose August 9, 2011 / 3:23 pm

    Oh mine is coffee creamer πŸ™‚ Don’t come to my house though there are dishes there now LOL.

  6. Donna August 9, 2011 / 11:35 pm

    Everything on your list bums me out, too, except one. I’m with Toni, at any given time you may find dishes in my sink. πŸ™‚

  7. Becca August 10, 2011 / 12:14 am

    I totally agree with you about grammar! I never understand how so many bloggers can have such poor grammar!

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